Learning Centre

In this place you'll find articles from various contributors with regards to quality assurance in localization. Your contribution is more than welcome, so feel free to contact us if you want your article to be added to our learning centre.


The present and future of Linguistic Quality Assurance (LQA)

In these times of global brands and localized marketing, what is translation quality? Like many other concepts where translation is involved, it depends on the context. There was a time when quality assurance was considered equally important to the translation itself. After every translation was completed, it was expected that at least one reviser or proofreader would go over it before publication…

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What is linguistic quality assurance and how it works in localization

In pretty much any industry these days, the notion of quality is one that seems to crop up all the time. Sometimes it feels like it’s used merely as a buzzword, but more often than not quality is a real concern, both for the seller of a product or service and the consumer. In the same way, quality appears to be omnipresent in the language services industry as well. Obviously, when it comes to…

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Technology and QA in localization: frenemies with benefits

In the first article of this series we looked at what quality assurance exactly is in the context of localization and we also examined some of the current practices in the industry. It is now time to turn our focus to the technology available for QA. This is a rather important chapter: between today and the time when the first QA checks were incorporated in CAT tools almost 20 years ago, a lot has…

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The QA process in localization: going with the flow or against the grain?

In the first two articles of our series, we looked into linguistic quality assurance and how it works in localization and then we reviewed the evolution and present status of QA technology. Now that we have a better idea of what we are dealing with, in today’s third article we will attempt to disentangle the issue of workflow. Localization and quality assurance are processes more than anything…

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The future of linguistic quality assurance in localization

We all know the impact of LQA and how central a role it plays in a localization workflow. In our article series so far (part 1, part 2, part 3) we have explored current practices and technologies in the industry and what challenges lie ahead. Today, we will attempt to address these challenges and make some predictions about the evolution of LQA in the context of localization. There is nothing like…

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